Utter Nonsense Notes and Errata

And We’re Back

via GIPHY Welp. I ended up spending a lot more time working on the home page refresh than I had intended, but it’s done1. It’s been a very long time since I tinkered with...

Please Stand By

via GIPHY I mentioned earlier that I was working on a refresh of my home page to spiffy it up for visitors and that I thought doing the coding myself was a great idea...


A look back at my last #morningcommute in #sanfrancisco. #ferrybuilding #vicstergrammed Source

The Raleigh World: Month Three

Soooooo… Pollen Season is a thing here. The stuff that turns everything yellow is pine pollen: it flies through the air like snow, though in daylight you don’t really notice it until it accumulates...

Rainy Caturday Afternoon

The Scene: Clancy relaxes in catloaf position as he looks out the window. I lean on the platform below him with my arms folded underneath me. “Clancy, look! I’m MOMloafing!” “Momloafing isn’t a thing.”...

What I’m Listening To: Let’s Fix Work

My friend Laurie Ruettimann has a brand new podcast called “Let’s Fix Work” and it is fantastic! Laurie and her guests have interesting, thought-provoking discussions about the often confusing relationship between employees and management....