For most of us, it is nearly impossible to envision the Golden Gate–that area of the San Francisco Bay where it joins up with the Pacific Ocean–without the majestic presence of the Golden Gate...
I write these words mostly in my head because they’d be too loaded to have brazenly displayed on my computer or on my calendar. And anyway our feelings are communicated, even though they’re unspoken....
I am at a complete loss tonight. Of all the things I could have heard this morning, I was not prepared to hear that Chris Cornell died. I’ve been in a tailspin since 5:15...
I was going through a box yesterday evening when I came across a stack of old journals, many had been started, then stopped. One in particular has a few entries beginning right after my...
For several weeks I’ve been writing and editing (and writing and editing and writing and…) a post about my love for soccer. And I’m realizing that the problem I have with the post is...
My temperament has been a little on the fragile side the last couple of weeks. And yesterday, as I looked at a calendar, I realized why. I have officially lived half of my life...
And so I begin another trip around the sun. I’m a different Me this year. Or, rather, I’m more ME now than I have been in a very long time. Over the past year...
I’m sick again! I thought my suddenly stuffy sinuses meant that my allergies might be taking off, given the pleasant weather we've had this week, following two or three solid months of rain (POLLENPALOOZZA)....
Today is International Women’s Day, a day on which the organizers of the Women’s March called for a strike. I elected to withhold our labor today. Instead, I attended rallies at San Francisco City...