Writer | Photographer | Aspiring Yogi | Cat Mama
After a long career in a variety of office jobs, I have turned my creative energy into a new career as a freelance content creator. For as long as I can remember, I have loved the creative challenge of playing with words and with light.
I also can’t get enough of getting to know entrepreneurs and helping them find their voice and build their customer community. Being able to combine my passion for creativity with my love of helping people is a dream come true!
My office mates are two tabbys: Clancy and Charlie. They’re pretty good co-workers, except when they try to sleep on my keyboard and demand that I fix them a snack every 90 minutes.

Clancy and Charlie are exhausted after a long day of napping.
More About My Creative and Professional Background
A CREATIVE INTROVERT I’ve been a writer since I was big enough to hold a crayon and became a photographer soon after when I started borrowing my grandfather’s Kodak Instamatic. As a very shy child, writing and photography have always been my conduit for creativity and exploring the world around me.
You can find my content portfolio at VKMedia.contently.com.
My writing experience includes:
- business communication
- journalism
- copywriting
- blogging
- technical writing and documentation
I am adept at describing complex concepts and issues in a way that is easily understood without talking down to the reader. I have a well-honed instinct for approaching each project with the right mix of gravitas and wit.
My photography background includes:
In 2012 I won the Historic Alameda Award in the annual “Alameda On Camera” exhibition at the Frank Bette Center for the Arts in Alameda, California.
ENTERING THE BRAVE NEW WORLD WIDE WEB Long before it was known as “social media”, I participated on BBS and Listservs. I was thrilled by the experience of communicating with people around the world with interests that were similar to mine, in a way that was much faster than “snail mail” and much less expensive than overseas telephone calls. Through participation on social sites like FriendFeed and Flickr, I experienced first-hand the power that online social networks have in building communities around shared interests and experiences.
Versatile and Experienced
From bootstrap startups to Fortune 500 companies, I have over 30 years of experience in an eclectic group of environments, including academic, online publishing (serving 12 million page views per month), and professional sports. I have the flexibility to work effectively on long-term projects as well as fast-paced assignments with tight deadlines.
Curious, Creative, Organized
I bring boundless curiosity and creative wisdom to your project so that I can learn what makes you and your brand unique to help you stand out from the crowd. I have 15 years of experience in managing projects and will shepherd your project from concept to launch with care and efficiency.