Monthly Archive: January 2007

The Flickr Brouhaha

I guess I’m one of the Flickr “Old Skool”: Got my account back toward the end of 2004 (I think) and have gotten away with putting off merging my Yahoo! ID with my Flickr...

A Nice Surprise

I was going through some of my gear and ran across a roll of exposed 120 film in a bag. I had no idea when I shot it or what was on it when...

Pinhole Tree

For Pinhole Day last year, I bought a pinhole body cap for my Pentax MX and shot 4-5 rolls of film with it. It was my first try at pinhole photography and I quite...


I thought I’d lead off with a favourite of mine taken on one of my Holga cameras. This was taken along the shoreline in Alameda, California in 2005.